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What's cooking in Leyburn?

Father's Day was HOT in Leyburn last weekend. Our Sunday was spent promoting Emma Bright and The Super Food Fight book at the Dale's Festival of Food and Drink. We had so much fun meeting some great new super food fighters. I met the author of a Little Alf books and just want to say thank you Hannah Russell for being so nice and letting us join you at this event, (and for signing a copy of your book for me!!)

Here's me, Emma, with Hannah Russell, author of Little Alf books. She passed on a few tips about being a successful author at 20 years old.

A bunch of super strong bananas on fathers day.

Roasting veg - Clara carrot in Leyburn.

This lovely lady couldn't wait to get started on the book. She simply sat down and started reading there and then. I love meeting our readers and we can't wait to hear what she thinks of it. Hopefully she'll keep in touch!

And finally, we even met the cast of the Beauty and the Beast pantomime when they arrived filming Facebook Live to promote their forthcoming production! Bon Apetit!

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