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Children are at the heart of our story and sharing our message to encourage healthy eating habits for life is really important to us. Alongside this we are supporting life saving cancer research through an ongoing donation from every book sold directly of .50p. 
Thank you for supporting us!
 £900 donated so far to Cancer Research UK
The Super Food Fight Team - authors and their families of Emma Bright and The Super Food Fight, adventure story for children aged 5-9 years to inspire healthy eating habits.

SOLD 1200 BOOKS to date ....

£900 donated including cash donations

In 2017, from the sale of our first 1000 books we have been able to donate 0.50p from sales of our healthy eating adventure story book, Emma Bright and The Super Food Fight, to help a UK children's cancer charity beat cancer sooner. in loving memory of Nigel Ward, Hayley's Dad.


12th February 2017 launched our children's adventure story book, Emma Bright and The Super Food Fight, to friends and family with a celebration in Bardsey, hosted by the local Sports Club, sold the first 150 books.


To find out all about recent Media coverage follow the link:

We would like to thank everyone who has helped us:

We would love to share our book at community events,

we also offer author visits and drama workshop.


The Super Food Fight Team raised a total of £510 in sponsorship for Cancer Research UK Race for Life Leeds on 4th June 2017.

Thank you for sponsoring us.

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