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Checked out our 'Fun For Kids' yet?

First of all we would love to thank everyone who has sent in their own food character drawings so we could show them on our website. We have received over 200 pictures and are proudly featuring them on our Food Art Gallery.

Next I would like to announce that some 'super' summer competitions will be held on the Fun For Kids section of our website over the coming weeks so make sure you've subscribed to keep updated on what you have to do to win some all important prizes .... send us your pictures for the gallery or jokes for the Yolks page. We received a brilliant word search from a fan which we love and have featured in the gallery. See if you can find the hidden foods.

Food word search received by the super food fight

Finally I would like to say that we are taking part in the Riverside Festival in Tadcaster on Saturday 17th June 2017 and The Dale's Festival of Food And Drink on Sunday 18th June 2017, we hope to see you there. I will be there with my dad, checking out some good Father's Day gifts whilst showing off our Emma Bright and The Super Food Fight book.

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